Product Design

Product Design for Get Air Trampoiline PArk

Get Air Trampoiline Park, is a multi-million dollar company who has thousands of people working for them. A lot of them are people who just graduated college in the US, and wanting to get a job as a stepping stone before they move forward to their professional life. Get Air, is the stepping stone for a lot of these kids, and understanding this demographic, the company decide to have their onboarding in the new job as fun as possible, as memorable as possible, hence why they approached us to come up with this idea. We created a working experience as a story, and crafted it in the software for them to use.

Get Air Worldwide


Thu Dec 24 2020 09:13:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


User Interface, Product Design & User Experience

Get Air Trampoline Parks.

We gathered as much information as we could, to understand what is it to be onboarded from apps, what would it take to make it easy for them, what would it take to make it enjoyable for them. What would be their day-to-day job desc, what would be the incentives we can give them within the apps, by focusing not only in the interface but also taking into accounts of giving a micro-interactions as a rewards whenever they finished one or more tasks in their list.