Best SEO Package 2022 for your business.

Get to Google's 1st Page in six months through powerful blogpost, backlinks, social media presence, and more!

How much does this cost?
There are two prices, one if you sign up for 6 months, and one for 12 months
For 6 months contract it's USD $3750/month
For 12 months contract it's USD $3500/month - SAVE USD $3000 per year
Both contracts, come with guarantee that you'd be in the 1st page of Google within 6 months.
1. Assessment
We will assess your business.
By asking sets of questions in order to understand better your goal, and potentials.

Irvan Widyanata Lathief

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2. Opportunities
You will receive an opportunity presentation.
This presentation will cover keyword researches, and potential overview of the strategy from our team after understanding your business better.
3. Onboarding
Downpayment & System Onboarding
In this phase, we will require a downpayment of 50% minimum, from the 6 months project so that we can lock in our bandwidth to dedicate the project manager, teams and every single preparations needed.

Irvan Widyanata Lathief

🤝 I am looking forward to onboard you in our system.

The visuals you'll get
Our design team will provide you with;
1. 30 Graphics of instagram post per month

2. 10 Poster Design per month

3. 5mins in total of a Video Content Editing

Irvan Widyanata Lathief

✍️ Every design output will be discussed in our bi-weekly meetings.

The content you'll get
They will come up with;
1. 8 Mini blog post for your LinkedIn or Facebook, or Medium

2. They will be reposting IG Stories

3. They will create one blog of 1000-1200 words per week

Irvan Widyanata Lathief

This will supplement your authority in the subject you will talk about within the industry. 🚀

The Guarantee
If you don't get 1st page within 3 months - we will be working for you for free, until you get on the first page
This means that if you sign up with us for 6 months, on the 3rd months, if you're not on the 1st page of the keywords we agree on, we'd pause the contract until we deliver our promise.

Irvan Widyanata Lathief

Your 4th month will start again after you're on the 1st page...

How do you know if this is for you?
This is for you if you're ready to make a big change with small steps.
If you're thinking to grow your digital presence to scale your business in 2022, but don't know where to start
It's for you if you've been trying to do it your self, and don't have the money to hire in-house team?
And finally it's for you if you're ready to get serious with your online presence.
Last thing...

Irvan Widyanata Lathief

If you're not sure whether you need this, why don't we jump in a call and address those concerns together?


Talk to us here


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Proposal will be sent to your email.
If the offer looks good for you, we'll arrange an introductory call with you just to get to know your business first.

While reviewing the offer, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to send us email below.